Hello Jen and Hannah,

Thank You for your Digital Download Purchase

I would suggest you print these instructions first before you proceed.

You can save these images on any electronic device.
There is no limit to the number of downloads.

So, every family member can download these images as well.

However, my website will turn the downloads off automatically (1) month from today.
Have everybody do their downloads for the website before the expiration date.

To Download:
follow the quick shop guidelines below.
The quick shop digital download is simple. I have placed the instructions below.

1. Below instructions, click on any picture, in your gallery to start the download process.
2. On the following screen, to the right of your picture, look for the (plus sign) under my title: Jennifer Marshbank photography and design.
3. Click, (the plus sign).
4. On the gallery download page, click- the (all tab) located at the top left-hand corner, under the title.
5. Click and drag over any and all pictures you wish.
6. Once complete, click the (add to cart button) located at the bottom right hand corner.
7. On the following page, click- (view cart button).
8. Your shopping cart will appear. Click- on any of the (proceed to check out button).
9. The digital download license agreement will appear. Please read the agreement, (choose accept terms option), and then click- (continue to check out button).
10. Enter all your information and then click the (continue to checkout button).
11. On the review and complete purchase screen, make sure your sold to information is correct. Then click, (the place order button).
12. On the receipt page, you can exit out.
13. Now, go to the inbox in your email and look for your order confirmation email. (From Zenfolio) Click, on download page. Now, (click on download all purchased items tab).
14. All Products will download to a zip file on your computer.
15. Save your pictures to your computer.
16. Now you can email these to your phone, or any other electronic device.
Thank you,

This gallery is empty.